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"The New Iraq"
Rebuilding the country for its people, the Middle East and the world.

By Joseph Braude

Published by Basic Books
A member of the Perseus Books Group
211 pp. $26.00 US $40.00 Can.

As the introduction states:
The book is a superb guide to the rebirth of the great civilisation of Iraq. Combining sensitive description of centuries of history which offers fascinating, yet hopeful description of Iraq.
Iraq is synonymous with Saddam Hussein. After decades under Saddam's repressive rule, what will come next after the liberation??
In "The New Iraq", the author- Middle East expert- tells the story of a country influx, from memories of its distant past to the painful realities of life today.
Major wars, thirteen years of sanctions, and the domestic legacy of a police state, have all combined to preserve and reinforce an old culture with attitudes and skill sets that other traditional societies would be hard pressed to match.
"The New Iraq" shows how viable Iraqi economy will liberate its society and thereby transform the Middle East.
Confronting the challenges that lie ahead, the author outlines the transition and transformation of Iraq's political system; the reengineering of its worn-out- military into an army of motion- building; the promotion of religious tolerance; business opportunities that the country's reconstruction will open up etc…
"The New Iraq" challenges all of us, from many countries and walks of life, to help reintegrate Iraq into the world community.
The author, Joseph Braude, born to an Iraqi Jewish family, studied Near Eastern languages at Yale and Arabic and Islamic history at Princeton.
Fluent in Arabic, Persian and Hebrew, he is a business consultant to governments and corporations on the Middle East.
He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


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