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The articles in this issue have been divided upinto the following categories








Baghdad 1927, the wedding of Victoria Bekhor and Ezra Somekh, taken at the home of Sion Bekhor
From left to right:
Sitting on the carpet: Ken Bekhor; Jamil Bekhor.
Front row:
Madeleine Gourji (child) ; Rosa Shuker Gourji ; Naima Zbaida Shuker ;
Naima Bekhor Shashoua ;Abdalla Shoua Bekhor ; Victoria Bekhor ( the bride ) ;
Ezra Somekh (the groom) ; Marcelle Shoua Bekhor ; ........ daughter of Iskandar Aziz ;
.......... son of Iskandar Aziz ; Kamal Bekhor.
Second row:
Shoua Abraham Iny (child) ; Muzli Bekhor ( she had an atelier ) ;Habiba Iny Aboodi ;
Pauline Sehayek Somekh ; Naima Zekaria Somekh ; ....... daughter of Iskandar Aziz (with hat ) ;
Victoria Somekh Rashty ; ....... mother of the groom ; Chahla Somekh Shuker ;Farha Somekh ;
Mrs. Shoua Isaac Bekhor ; Florine Sehayek ; Missouda Shuker Bekhor ; Yehuda Somekh ;
...... Rashty; Sion Isaac Bekhor (bride's father wearing fez); Shemmail Somekh (wearing fez)
Standing at the back:
Hayat Iny; Victoria Abraham Iny (wearing a white hat); Moshi Somekh ; Saleh Bekhor ;
Saleh Shlomo Shuker ; Khedhouri Shashoua.
The other three at the back are servants.
The child on the right is Edmond Somekh.

Sent by Helen Bekhor


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