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OBITUARY - Lord Runcie

The late Dr Robert Runcie on a guided tour of Lambeth Palace.

The late Lord Runcie chatting with Naim Dangoor at Lambeth Palace


Lord Runcie, former Archbishop of Canterbury, died of cancer at the age of 78. He was likeable and pragmatic and led the Church of England through a difficult time.

When I had dinner (strictly kosher) at Lambeth Palace some eleven years ago I was received at the door by Dr Robert Runcie, (later Lord Runcie) and when I told him that "I am greatly honoured to meet you" his reply was "I too am greatly honoured to meet you". Then we spent some time chatting and I told him that I was writing an article on free will and wanted his opinion on the subject. His reply was "As a Christian," he said, "I believe in free will; as a philosopher, I don't. It is a dilemma."

At the dinner was the late Rabbi Hugo Gryn as well as the Chief Rabbi and the atmosphere was very friendly and jovial.



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