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Jews and Arabs

Their Contacts Through the Ages

by S D Goitein

Schocken Books - New York - 252 pp

In this new edition, which carries the story of Arab and Jewish cultural developments into the 1970's, Professor Goitein explores the social and intellectual contact between Jews and Arabs since their beginnings three thousand years ago.


The Middle East

2000 Years of History from the rise of Christianity to the present day

by Bernard Lewis

Phoenix Press - 387 pp

In this book Bernard Lewis charts the successive transformation of the Middle East, beginning with the two great empires, the Roman and the Persian, the development of monotheism and the growth of Christianity; the astonishingly rapid rise and spread of Islam; the waves of invaders from the East and the Mongol hordes of Jengiz Khan; the rise of the Ottoman Turks, and the changing balance of power between the Muslim and Christian worlds.


Hiding Places

A Father and his Sons Retrace their Family's Escape from the Holocaust

by Daniel Asa Rose

Simon & Schuster - 377pp U.S. $25.00 Can $36.00

In this innovative memoir, part travel narrative, part spiritual quest, prize-winning author Daniel Asa Rose describes the remarkable journey in which he and his young sons retraced their relatives' escape from Antwerp during the Second World War and also embraced, with ample amounts of wit and irreverence, the Jewish heritage that had pained and mystified him.


A People Apart

The Jews in Europe 1789-1939

by David Vital

Oxford University Press - 898 pp

David Vital explores the Jews' consistently tense relationship with the rulers whom they were subject and the peoples in whose midst they were embedded. He documents the struggle of this ancient but almost uniquely non-territorial people to establish a place for itself within an increasingly hostile political and social environment.


Alexander the Great

The Unique History of Quintus Curtius

by Elizabeth Baynham Ann Arbor

The University of Michigan Press - 219 pp

In recent years much attention has been given to evaluating the surviving ancient histories of Alexander and their own sources. In this book Elizabeth Baynham examines these issues concerning first century historian Quintus Curtius' account of Alexander which, until now, has received very little attention from Alexander historians.


Coming Home to Jerusalem

A personal journey

by Wendy Orange

Simon & Schuster - 291 pp US $25.00 Can $37.00

An American Jewish woman uproots her family to live in Jerusalem, searching for a new home. For Wendy Orange, a writer in her early forties, what starts as a ten day conference in Jerusalem, stretches into a six year residence in one of the world's most captivating cities, where she undertakes an illuminating and evocative trip to this ancient land.



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