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The Demise of WOJAC

Dear Mr Dangoor,

Over the past few years we informed you several times of the severe financial difficulties that threatened WOJAC's existence. During this time, we approached every relevant factor and did our utmost to find a solution to WOJAC's predicament. We weighed all the options, but have found none that could be considered acceptable.

On the 14th of July, 1999, the General Assembly of WOJAC convened and was given a report on the financial situation of the Organisation.

Since the Government of Israel and the Jewish Agency have decided to discontinue their support of WOJAC, the General Assembly resolved that the members of the World Executive of WOJAC be advised that, the General Assembly authorises the Executive of the Israel Head office to liquidate the Organisation and consequently, terminate WOJAC's activities in Israel and abroad.

cc:Mr Ehud Barak, Prime Minster of Israel;

Mr David Levy, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr Abraham Burg. Speaker of the Knesset


Dear Mr Benozair,

I am sorry to learn from your letter that WOJAC is now going to close down. This seems to be inevitable as, for the last 15 years, WOJAC has been pretending to act under the false pretences of acting for the benefit of Jews from Arab countries, whereas, in fact, it was only a tool in the hands of the Israel Government.

It seems odd therefore, that just as the claims for compensations are about to be discussed, that the government has decided to withdraw its support. I would like to stress the following:

1. That the Jews from Arab countries have a right to claim a share in the wealth of their country of origin, and this fact should not be forgotten when dealing with a set of Palestinian claims.

2. That Jews from Arab countries who did not settle in Israel must reserve their right to receive adequate compensations from their countries of origin.

Naim Dangoor



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